Package 'regressinator'

Title: Simulate and Diagnose (Generalized) Linear Models
Description: Simulate samples from populations with known covariate distributions, generate response variables according to common linear and generalized linear model families, draw from sampling distributions of regression estimates, and perform visual inference on diagnostics from model fits.
Authors: Alex Reinhart [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alex Reinhart <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.2.1
Built: 2025-03-11 05:48:59 UTC

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Augment a model fit with residuals, in "long" format


Use broom::augment() to augment a model fit with residual and fit information, then reformat the resulting data frame into a "long" format with one row per predictor per observation, to facilitate plotting of the result.


augment_longer(x, ...)



A model fit object, such as those returned by lm() or glm(). See the broom documentation for the full list of model types supported.


Additional arguments passed to broom::augment().


The name comes by analogy to tidyr::pivot_longer(), and the concept of long versus wide data formats.


A data frame (tibble) in similar form to those produced by broom::augment(), but expanded to have one row per predictor per observation. Columns .predictor_name and .predictor_value identify the predictor and its value. An additional column .obs records the original observation numbers so results can be matched to observations in the original model data.


Factor predictors (as factors, logical, or character vectors) can't coexist with numeric variables in the .predictor_value column. If there are some numeric and some factor predictors, the factor predictors will automatically be omitted. If all predictors are factors, they will be combined into one factor with all levels. However, if a numeric variable is converted to factor in the model formula, such as with y ~ factor(x), the function cannot determine the appropriate types and will raise an error. Create factors as needed in the source data frame before fitting the model to avoid this issue.

See Also

partial_residuals(), binned_residuals()


fit <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp, data = mtcars)

# each observation appears 3 times, once per predictor:

Augment data with randomized quantile residuals


Generates a data frame containing a model's predictors, the residuals, and the randomized quantile residuals as additional columns.


augment_quantile(x, ...)

augment_quantile_longer(x, ...)



Fitted model to obtain randomized quantile residuals from


Additional arguments to pass to broom::augment()


Randomized quantile residuals provide more interpretable residuals for generalized linear models (GLMs), such as logistic regression. See Dunn and Smyth (1996) for details, or review the examples provided in vignette("DHARMa", package="DHARMa").

Let FY(y;x,β)F_Y(y; x, \beta) be the predicted cumulative distribution function for YY when X=xX = x, using the fitted GLM. When the response is continuous, the randomized quantile residual for observation ii is

rq,i=FY(yi;xi,β^).r_{q,i} = F_Y(y_i; x_i, \hat \beta).

When the response is discrete, let

ai=limyyiFY(y;xi,β^)a_i = \lim_{y \uparrow y_i} F_Y(y; x_i, \hat \beta)


bi=FY(yi;xi,β^),b_i = F_Y(y_i; x_i, \hat \beta),

then draw the randomized quantile residual as

rq,iUniform(ai,bi).r_{q,i} \sim \text{Uniform}(a_i, b_i).

As cumulative distributions are left-continuous, this "jitters" the values between the discrete steps, resulting in a residual that is uniformly distributed when the model is correct.

Some definitions of randomized quantile residuals transform the resulting values using the standard normal inverse cdf, so they are normally distributed. That step is omitted here, as uniform residuals are easy to work with.


Data frame with one row per observation used to fit x, including a .quantile.resid column containing the quantile residuals. See broom::augment() and its methods for details of other columns.

For augment_quantile_longer(), the output is in "long" format with one row per predictor per observation. Columns .predictor_name and .predictor_value identify the predictor and its value. An additional column .obs records the original observation numbers so results can be matched to observations in the original model data. See Limitations in augment_longer() for limitations on factor predictors.

Implementation details

Uses broom::augment() to generate the data frame, then uses the DHARMa package to generate randomized quantile residuals for the model.


Dunn, Peter K., and Gordon K. Smyth (1996). "Randomized Quantile Residuals." Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 5 (3): 236–44. doi:10.2307/1390802

See Also

vignette("logistic-regression-diagnostics") and vignette("other-glm-diagnostics") for examples of plotting and interpreting randomized quantile residuals; augment_longer(); broom::augment()

Group a data frame into bins


Groups a data frame (similarly to dplyr::group_by()) based on the values of a column, either by dividing up the range into equal pieces or by quantiles.


bin_by_interval(.data, col, breaks = NULL)

bin_by_quantile(.data, col, breaks = NULL)



Data frame to bin


Column to bin by


Number of bins to create. bin_by_interval() also accepts a numeric vector of two or more unique cut points to use. If NULL, a default number of breaks is chosen based on the number of rows in the data. In bin_by_quantile(), if the number of unique values of the column is smaller than breaks, fewer bins will be produced.


bin_by_interval() breaks the numerical range of that column into equal-sized intervals, or into intervals specified by breaks. bin_by_quantile() splits the range into pieces based on quantiles of the data, so each interval contains roughly an equal number of observations.


Grouped data frame, similar to those returned by dplyr::group_by(). An additional column .bin indicates the bin number for each group. Use dplyr::summarize() to calculate values within each group, or other dplyr operations that work on groups.


cars |>
  bin_by_interval(speed, breaks = 5) |>
  summarize(mean_speed = mean(speed),
            mean_dist = mean(dist))

cars |>
  bin_by_quantile(speed, breaks = 5) |>
  summarize(mean_speed = mean(speed),
            mean_dist = mean(dist))

Obtain binned residuals for a model


Construct a data frame by binning the fitted values or predictors of a model into discrete bins of equal width, and calculating the average value of the residuals within each bin.


binned_residuals(fit, predictors = !".fitted", breaks = NULL, ...)



The model to obtain residuals for. This can be a model fit with lm() or glm(), or any model that has residuals() and fitted() methods.


Predictors to calculate binned residuals for. Defaults to all predictors, skipping factors. Predictors can be specified using tidyselect syntax; see help("language", package = "tidyselect") and the examples below. Specify predictors = .fitted to obtain binned residuals versus fitted values.


Number of bins to create. If NULL, a default number of breaks is chosen based on the number of rows in the data.


Additional arguments passed on to residuals(). The most useful additional argument is typically type, to select the type of residuals to produce (such as standardized residuals or deviance residuals).


In many generalized linear models, the residual plots (Pearson or deviance) are not useful because the response variable takes on very few possible values, causing strange patterns in the residuals. For instance, in logistic regression, plotting the residuals versus covariates usually produces two curved lines.

If we first bin the data, i.e. divide up the observations into breaks bins based on their fitted values, we can calculate the average residual within each bin. This can be more informative: if a region has 20 observations and its average residual value is large, this suggests those observations are collectively poorly fit. We can also bin each predictor and calculate averages within those bins, allowing the detection of misspecification for specific model terms.


Data frame (tibble) with one row per bin per selected predictor, and the following columns:


Bin number.


Number of observations in this bin.


Name of the predictor that has been binned.

predictor_min, predictor_max, predictor_mean, predictor_sd

Minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation of the predictor (or fitted values).


Mean residual in this bin.


Standard deviation of residuals in this bin.


Factor predictors (as factors, logical, or character vectors) are detected automatically and omitted. However, if a numeric variable is converted to factor in the model formula, such as with y ~ factor(x), the function cannot determine the appropriate type and will raise an error. Create factors as needed in the source data frame before fitting the model to avoid this issue.


Gelman, A., Hill, J., and Vehtari, A. (2021). Regression and Other Stories. Section 14.5. Cambridge University Press.

See Also

partial_residuals() for the related partial residuals; vignette("logistic-regression-diagnostics") and vignette("other-glm-diagnostics") for examples of use and interpretation of binned residuals in logistic regression and GLMs; bin_by_interval() and bin_by_quantile() to bin data and calculate other values in each bin


fit <- lm(mpg ~ disp + hp, data = mtcars)

# Automatically bins both predictors:
binned_residuals(fit, breaks = 5)

# Just bin one predictor, selected with tidyselect syntax. Multiple could be
# selected with c().
binned_residuals(fit, disp, breaks = 5)

# Bin the fitted values:
binned_residuals(fit, predictors = .fitted)

# Bins are made using the predictor, not regressors derived from it, so here
# disp is binned, not its polynomial
fit2 <- lm(mpg ~ poly(disp, 2), data = mtcars)

Convert factor levels to numeric values


Replace each entry in a vector with its corresponding numeric value, for instance to use a factor variable to specify intercepts for different groups in a regression model.


by_level(x, ...)



Vector of factor values


Mapping from factor levels to values. Can be provided either as a series of named arguments, whose names correspond to factor levels, or as a single named vector.


Named vector of same length as x, with values replaced with those specified. Names are the original factor level name.

See Also

rfactor() to draw random factor levels, and the forcats package for additional factor manipulation tools


foo <- factor(c("spam", "ham", "spam", "ducks"))

by_level(foo, spam = 4, ham = 10, ducks = 16.7)

by_level(foo, c("spam" = 4, "ham" = 10, "ducks" = 16.7))

# to define a population with a factor that affects the regression intercept
intercepts <- c("foo" = 2, "bar" = 30, "baz" = 7)
pop <- population(
  group = predictor(rfactor,
                    levels = c("foo", "bar", "baz"),
                    prob = c(0.1, 0.6, 0.3)),
  x = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(by_level(group, intercepts) + 0.3 * x,
               error_scale = 1.5)
sample_x(pop, 5)

Family representing a GLM with custom distribution and link function


Allows specification of the random component and link function for a response variable. In principle this could be used to specify any GLM family, but it is usually easier to use the predefined families, such as gaussian() and binomial().


custom_family(distribution, inverse_link)



The distribution of the random component. This should be in the form of a function taking one argument, the vector of values on the inverse link scale, and returning a vector of draws from the distribution.


The inverse link function.


A GLM is specified by a combination of:

  • Random component, i.e. the distribution that Y is drawn from

  • Link function relating the mean of the random component to the linear predictor

  • Linear predictor

Using custom_family() we can specify the random component and link function, while the linear predictor is set in population() when setting up the population relationships. A family specified this way can be used to specify a population (via population()), but can't be used to estimate a model (such as with glm()).


A family object representing this family

See Also

ols_with_error() for the special case of linear regression with custom error distribution


# A zero-inflated Poisson family
rzeroinfpois <- function(ys) {
  n <- length(ys)
  rpois(n, lambda = ys * rbinom(n, 1, prob = 0.4))

custom_family(rzeroinfpois, exp)

Decrypt message giving the location of the true plot in a lineup


Decrypts the message printed by model_lineup() indicating the location of the true diagnostics in the lineup.





Message to decrypt, specifying the location of the true diagnostics


The decrypted message.

Produce a lineup for a fitted model


A lineup hides diagnostics among "null" diagnostics, i.e. the same diagnostics calculated using models fit to data where all model assumptions are correct. For each null diagnostic, model_lineup() simulates new responses from the model using the fitted covariate values and the model's error distribution, link function, and so on. Hence the new response values are generated under ideal conditions: the fitted model is true and all assumptions hold. decrypt() reveals which diagnostics are the true diagnostics.


model_lineup(fit, fn = augment, nsim = 20, ...)



A model fit to data, such as by lm() or glm()


A diagnostic function. The function's first argument should be the fitted model, and it must return a data frame. Defaults to broom::augment(), which produces a data frame containing the original data and additional columns .fitted, .resid, and so on. To see a list of model types supported by broom::augment(), and to find documentation on the columns reported for each type of model, load the broom package and use methods(augment).


Number of total diagnostics. For example, if nsim = 20, the diagnostics for fit are hidden among 19 null diagnostics.


Additional arguments passed to fn each time it is called.


To generate different kinds of diagnostics, the user can provide a custom fn. The fn should take a model fit as its argument and return a data frame. For instance, the data frame might contain one row per observation and include the residuals and fitted values for each observation; or it might be a single row containing a summary statistic or test statistic.

fn will be called on the original fit provided. Then parametric_boot_distribution() will be used to simulate data from the model fit nsim - 1 times, refit the model to each simulated dataset, and run fn on each refit model. The null distribution is conditional on X, i.e. the covariates used will be identical, and only the response values will be simulated. The data frames are concatenated with an additional .sample column identifying which fit each row came from.

When called, this function will print a message such as decrypt("sD0f gCdC En JP2EdEPn ZY"). This is how to get the location of the true diagnostics among the null diagnostics: evaluating this in the R console will produce a string such as "True data in position 5".


A data frame (tibble) with columns corresponding to the columns returned by fn. The additional column .sample indicates which set of diagnostics each row is from. For instance, if the true data is in position 5, selecting rows with .sample == 5 will retrieve the diagnostics from the original model fit.

Model limitations

Because this function uses S3 generic methods such as simulate() and update(), it can be used with any model fit for which methods are provided. In base R, this includes lm() and glm().

The model provided as fit must be fit using the data argument to provide a data frame. For example:

fit <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)

When simulating new data, this function provides the simulated data as the data argument and re-fits the model. If you instead refer directly to local variables in the model formula, this will not work. For example, if you fit a model this way:

# will not work
fit <- lm(cars$dist ~ cars$speed)

It will not be possible to refit the model using simulated datasets, as that would require modifying your environment to edit cars.


Buja et al. (2009). Statistical inference for exploratory data analysis and model diagnostics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 367 (1906), pp. 4361-4383. doi:10.1098/rsta.2009.0120

Wickham et al. (2010). Graphical inference for infovis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 16 (6), pp. 973-979. doi:10.1109/TVCG.2010.161

See Also

parametric_boot_distribution() to simulate draws by using the fitted model to draw new response values; sampling_distribution() to simulate draws from the population distribution, rather than from the model


fit <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)
model_lineup(fit, nsim = 5)

resids_vs_speed <- function(f) {
  data.frame(resid = residuals(f),
             speed = model.frame(f)$speed)
model_lineup(fit, fn = resids_vs_speed, nsim = 5)

Family representing a linear relationship with non-Gaussian errors


The ols_with_error() family can represent any non-Gaussian error, provided random variates can be drawn by an R function. A family specified this way can be used to specify a population (via population()), but can't be used to estimate a model (such as with glm()).


ols_with_error(error, ...)



Function that can draw random variables from the non-Gaussian distribution, or a string giving the name of the function. For example, rt draws t-distributed random variates. The function must take an argument n indicating how many random variates to draw (as all random generation functions built into R do).


Further arguments passed to the error function to draw random variates, such as to specify degrees of freedom, shape parameters, or other parameters of the distribution. These arguments are evaluated with the model data in the environment, so they can be expressions referring to model data, such as values of the predictors.


A family object representing this family.

See Also

custom_family() for fully custom families, including for GLMs


# t-distributed errors with 3 degrees of freedom
ols_with_error(rt, df = 3)

# A linear regression with t-distributed error, using error_scale to make
# errors large
  x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
  x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2,
               family = ols_with_error(rt, df = 4),
               error_scale = 2.5)

# Cauchy-distributed errors
ols_with_error(rcauchy, scale = 3)

# A contaminated error distribution, where
# 95% of observations are Gaussian and 5% are Cauchy
rcontaminated <- function(n) {
  contaminant <- rbinom(n, 1, prob = 0.05)

  return(ifelse(contaminant == 1,
                rcauchy(n, scale = 20),
                rnorm(n, sd = 1)))

Simulate the distribution of estimates by parametric bootstrap


Repeatedly simulates new response values by using the fitted model, holding the covariates fixed. By default, refits the same model to each simulated dataset, but an alternative model can be provided. Estimates, confidence intervals, or other quantities are extracted from each fitted model and returned as a tidy data frame.


  alternative_fit = fit,
  data = get_data(fit),
  fn = tidy,
  nsim = 100,



A model fit to data, such as by lm() or glm(), to simulate new response values from.


A model fit to data, to refit to the data sampled from fit. Defaults to fit, but an alternative model can be provided to examine its behavior when fit is the true model.


Data frame to be used in the simulation. Must contain the predictors needed for both fit and alternative_fit. Defaults to the predictors used in fit.


Function to call on each new model fit to produce a data frame of estimates. Defaults to broom::tidy(), which produces a tidy data frame of coefficients, estimates, standard errors, and hypothesis tests.


Number of total simulations to run.


Additional arguments passed to fn each time it is called.


The default behavior samples from a model and refits the same model to the sampled data; this is useful when, for example, exploring how model diagnostics look when the model is well-specified. Another common use of the parametric bootstrap is hypothesis testing, where we might simulate from a null model and fit an alternative model to the data, to obtain the null distribution of a particular estimate or statistic. Provide alternative_fit to have a specific model fit to each simulated dataset, rather than the model they are simulated from.

Only the response variable from the fit (or alternative_fit, if given) is redrawn; other response variables in the population are left unchanged from their values in data.


A data frame (tibble) with columns corresponding to the columns returned by fn. The additional column .sample indicates which fit each row is from.

Model limitations

Because this function uses S3 generic methods such as simulate() and update(), it can be used with any model fit for which methods are provided. In base R, this includes lm() and glm().

The model provided as fit must be fit using the data argument to provide a data frame. For example:

fit <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)

When simulating new data, this function provides the simulated data as the data argument and re-fits the model. If you instead refer directly to local variables in the model formula, this will not work. For example, if you fit a model this way:

# will not work
fit <- lm(cars$dist ~ cars$speed)

It will not be possible to refit the model using simulated datasets, as that would require modifying your environment to edit cars.

See Also

model_lineup() to use resampling to aid in regression diagnostics; sampling_distribution() to simulate draws from the population distribution, rather than the null


# Bootstrap distribution of estimates:
fit <- lm(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars)
parametric_boot_distribution(fit, nsim = 5)

# Bootstrap distribution of estimates for a quadratic model, when true
# relationship is linear:
quad_fit <- lm(mpg ~ poly(hp, 2), data = mtcars)
parametric_boot_distribution(fit, quad_fit, nsim = 5)

# Bootstrap distribution of estimates for a model with an additional
# predictor, when it's truly zero. data argument must be provided so
# alternative fit has all predictors available, not just hp:
alt_fit <- lm(mpg ~ hp + wt, data = mtcars)
parametric_boot_distribution(fit, alt_fit, data = mtcars, nsim = 5)

Augment a model fit with partial residuals for all terms


Construct a data frame containing the model data, partial residuals for all quantitative predictors, and predictor effects, for use in residual diagnostic plots and other analyses. The result is in tidy form (one row per predictor per observation), allowing it to be easily manipulated for plots and simulations.


partial_residuals(fit, predictors = everything())



The model to obtain residuals for. This can be a model fit with lm() or glm(), or any model with a predict() method that accepts a newdata argument.


Predictors to calculate partial residuals for. Defaults to all predictors, skipping factors. Predictors can be specified using tidyselect syntax; see help("language", package = "tidyselect") and the examples below.


Data frame (tibble) containing the model data and residuals in tidy form. There is one row per selected predictor per observation. All predictors are included as columns, plus the following additional columns:


Row number of this observation in the original model data frame.


Name of the predictor this row gives the partial residual for.


Value of the predictor this row gives the partial residual for.


Partial residual for this predictor for this observation.


Predictor effect μ^(Xif,0)\hat \mu(X_{if}, 0) for this observation.

Predictors and regressors

To define partial residuals, we must distinguish between the predictors, the measured variables we are using to fit our model, and the regressors, which are calculated from them. In a simple linear model, the regressors are equal to the predictors. But in a model with polynomials, splines, or other nonlinear terms, the regressors may be functions of the predictors.

For example, in a regression with a single predictor XX, the regression model Y=β0+β1X+eY = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X + e has one regressor, XX. But if we choose a polynomial of degree 3, the model is Y=β0+β1X+β2X2+β3X3Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X + \beta_2 X^2 + \beta_3 X^3, and the regressors are {X,X2,X3}\{X, X^2, X^3\}.

Similarly, if we have predictors X1X_1 and X2X_2 and form a model with main effects and an interaction, the regressors are {X1,X2,X1X2}\{X_1, X_2, X_1 X_2\}.

Partial residuals are defined in terms of the predictors, not the regressors, and are intended to allow us to see the shape of the relationship between a particular predictor and the response, and to compare it to how we have chosen to model it with regressors. Partial residuals are not useful for categorical (factor) predictors, and so these are omitted.

Linear models

Consider a linear model where E[YX=x]=μ(x)\mathbb{E}[Y \mid X = x] = \mu(x). The mean function μ(x)\mu(x) is a linear combination of regressors. Let μ^\hat \mu be the fitted model and β^0\hat \beta_0 be its intercept.

Choose a predictor XfX_f, the focal predictor, to calculate partial residuals for. Write the mean function as μ(Xf,Xo)\mu(X_f, X_o), where XfX_f is the value of the focal predictor, and XoX_o represents all other predictors.

If eie_i is the residual for observation ii, the partial residual is

rif=ei+(μ^(xif,0)β^0).r_{if} = e_i + (\hat \mu(x_{if}, 0) - \hat \beta_0).

Setting Xo=0X_o = 0 means setting all other numeric predictors to 0; factor predictors are set to their first (baseline) level.

Generalized linear models

Consider a generalized linear model where g(E[YX=x])=η(x)g(\mathbb{E}[Y \mid X = x]) = \eta(x), where gg is a link function and η(x)\eta(x) is the linear predictor. Let η^\hat \eta be the fitted linear predictor and β^0\hat \beta_0 be its intercept. Let μ^(x)=g1(η^(x))\hat \mu(x) = g^{-1}(\hat \eta(x)) be the fitted mean function.

The working residual eie_i for observation ii is

ei=(yiμ^(xi))g(μ^(xi)).e_i = (y_i - \hat \mu(x_i)) g'(\hat \mu(x_i)).

Choose a predictor XfX_f, the focal predictor, to calculate partial residuals for. Write η\eta as η(Xf,Xo)\eta(X_f, X_o), where XfX_f is the value of the focal predictor, and XoX_o represents all other predictors. Hence η(Xf,Xo)\eta(X_f, X_o) gives the model's prediction on the link scale.

The partial residual is again

rif=ei+(η^(xif,0)β^0).r_{if} = e_i + (\hat \eta(x_{if}, 0) - \hat \beta_0).


In linear regression, because the residuals eie_i should have mean zero in a well-specified model, plotting the partial residuals against xfx_f should produce a shape matching the modeled relationship μ\mu. If the model is wrong, the partial residuals will appear to deviate from the fitted relationship. Provided the regressors are uncorrelated or approximately linearly related to each other, the plotted trend should approximate the true relationship between xfx_f and the response.

In generalized linear models, this is approximately true if the link function gg is approximately linear over the range of observed xx values.

Additionally, the function μ(Xf,0)\mu(X_f, 0) (in linear models) or η(Xf,0)\eta(X_f, 0) (in generalized linear models) can be used to show the relationship between the focal predictor and the response. In a linear model, the function is linear; with polynomial or spline regressors, it is nonlinear. This function is the predictor effect function, and the estimated predictor effects are included in this function's output.


Factor predictors (as factors, logical, or character vectors) are detected automatically and omitted. However, if a numeric variable is converted to factor in the model formula, such as with y ~ factor(x), the function cannot determine the appropriate type and will raise an error. Create factors as needed in the source data frame before fitting the model to avoid this issue.


R. Dennis Cook (1993). "Exploring Partial Residual Plots", Technometrics, 35:4, 351-362. doi:10.1080/00401706.1993.10485350

Cook, R. Dennis, and Croos-Dabrera, R. (1998). "Partial Residual Plots in Generalized Linear Models." Journal of the American Statistical Association 93, no. 442: 730–39. doi:10.2307/2670123

Fox, J., & Weisberg, S. (2018). "Visualizing Fit and Lack of Fit in Complex Regression Models with Predictor Effect Plots and Partial Residuals." Journal of Statistical Software, 87(9). doi:10.18637/jss.v087.i09

See Also

binned_residuals() for the related binned residuals; augment_longer() for a similarly formatted data frame of ordinary residuals; vignette("linear-regression-diagnostics"), vignette("logistic-regression-diagnostics"), and vignette("other-glm-diagnostics") for examples of plotting and interpreting partial residuals


fit <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp, data = mtcars)

# You can select predictors with tidyselect syntax:
partial_residuals(fit, c(disp, hp))

# Predictors with multiple regressors are supported:
fit2 <- lm(mpg ~ poly(disp, 2), data = mtcars)

# Allowing an interaction by number of cylinders is fine, but partial
# residuals are not generated for the factor. Notice the factor must be
# created first, not in the model formula:
mtcars$cylinders <- factor(mtcars$cyl)
fit3 <- lm(mpg ~ cylinders * disp + hp, data = mtcars)

Define the population generalized regression relationship


Specifies a hypothetical infinite population of cases. Each case has some predictor variables and one or more response variables. The relationship between the variables and response variables are defined, as well as the population marginal distribution of each predictor variable.





A sequence of named arguments defining predictor and response variables. These are evaluated in order, so later response variables may refer to earlier predictor and response variables. All predictors should be provided first, before any response variables.


A population object.

See Also

predictor() and response() to define the population; sample_x() and sample_y() to draw samples from it


# A population with a simple linear relationship
linear_pop <- population(
  x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
  x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2, error_scale = 1.0)

# A population whose response depends on local variables
slope <- 2.2
intercept <- 0.7
sigma <- 2.5
variable_pop <- population(
  x = predictor(rnorm),
  y = response(intercept + slope * x, error_scale = sigma)

# Response error scale is heteroskedastic and depends on predictors
heteroskedastic_pop <- population(
  x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
  x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2,
               error_scale = 1 + x2 / 10)

# A binary outcome Y, using a binomial family with logistic link
binary_pop <- population(
  x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
  x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2,
               family = binomial(link = "logit"))

# A binomial outcome Y, with 10 trials per observation, using a logistic link
# to determine the probability of success for each trial
binomial_pop <- population(
  x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
  x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2,
               family = binomial(link = "logit"),
               size = 10)

# Another binomial outcome, but the number of trials depends on another
# predictor
binom_size_pop <- population(
  x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
  x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  trials = predictor(rpois, lambda = 20),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2,
               family = binomial(link = "logit"),
               size = trials)

# A population with a simple linear relationship and collinearity. Because X
# is bivariate, there will be two predictors, named x1 and x2.
collinear_pop <- population(
  x = predictor(rmvnorm, mean = c(0, 1),
                sigma = matrix(c(1, 0.8, 0.8, 1), nrow = 2)),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2, error_scale = 1.0)

Specify the distribution of a predictor variable


Predictor variables can have any marginal distribution as long as a function is provided to sample from the distribution. Multivariate distributions are also supported: if the random generation function returns multiple columns, multiple random variables will be created. If the columns are named, the random variables will be named accordingly; otherwise, they will be successively numbered.


predictor(dist, ...)



Function to generate draws from this predictor's distribution, provided as a function or as a string naming the function.


Additional arguments to pass to dist when generating draws.


The random generation function must take an argument named n specifying the number of draws. For univariate distributions, it should return a vector of length n; for multivariate distributions, it should return an array or matrix with n rows and a column per variable.

Multivariate predictors are successively numbered. For instance, if predictor X is specified with

predictor(dist = rmvnorm, mean = c(0, 1),
          sigma = matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), nrow = 2))

then the population predictors will be named X1 and X2, and will have covariance 0.5.

If the multivariate predictor has named columns, the names will be used instead. For instance, if predictor X generates a matrix with columns A and B, the population predictors will be named XA and XB.


A predictor_dist object, to be used in population() to specify a population distribution


# Univariate normal distribution
predictor(dist = rnorm, mean = 10, sd = 2.5)

# Multivariate normal distribution
predictor(dist = rmvnorm, mean = c(0, 1, 7))

# Multivariate with named columns
rmulti <- function(n) {
  cbind(treatment = rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.5),
        confounder = rnorm(n)
predictor(dist = rmulti)

Specify a response variable in terms of predictors


Response variables are related to predictors (and other response variables) through a link function and response distribution. First the expression provided is evaluated using the predictors, to give this response variable's value on the link scale; then the inverse link function and response distribution are used to get the response value. See Details for more information.


response(expr, family = gaussian(), error_scale = NULL, size = 1L)



An expression, in terms of other predictor or response variables, giving this predictor's value on the link scale.


The family of this response variable, e.g. gaussian() for an ordinary Gaussian linear relationship.


Scale factor for errors. Used only for linear families, such as gaussian() and ols_with_error(). Errors drawn while simulating the response variable will be multiplied by this scale factor. The scale factor can be a scalar value (such as a fixed standard deviation), or an expression in terms of the predictors, which will be evaluated when simulating response data. For generalized linear models, leave as NULL.


When the family is binomial(), this is the number of trials for each observation. Defaults to 1, as in logistic regression. May be specified either as a vector of the same length as the number of observations or as a scalar. May be written terms of other predictor or response variables. For other families, size is ignored.


Response variables are drawn based on a typical generalized linear model setup. Let YY represent the response variable and XX represent the predictor variables. We specify that

YXSomeDistribution,Y \mid X \sim \text{SomeDistribution},


E[YX=x]=g1(μ(x)).\mathbb{E}[Y \mid X = x] = g^{-1}(\mu(x)).

Here μ(X)\mu(X) is the expression expr, and both the distribution and link function gg are specified by the family provided. For instance, if the family is gaussian(), the distribution is Normal and the link is the identity function; if the family is binomial(), the distribution is binomial and the link is (by default) the logistic link.

Response families

The following response families are supported.


The default family is gaussian() with the identity link function, specifying the relationship

YXNormal(μ(X),σ2),Y \mid X \sim \text{Normal}(\mu(X), \sigma^2),

where σ2\sigma^2 is given by error_scale.


Allows specification of custom non-Normal error distributions, specifying the relationship

Y=μ(X)+e,Y = \mu(X) + e,

where ee is drawn from an arbitrary distribution, specified by the error argument to ols_with_error().


Binomial responses include binary responses (as in logistic regression) and responses giving a total number of successes out of a number of trials. The response has distribution

YXBinomial(N,g1(μ(X))),Y \mid X \sim \text{Binomial}(N, g^{-1}(\mu(X))),

where NN is set by the size argument and gg is the link function. The default link is the logistic link, and others can be chosen with the link argument to binomial(). The default NN is 1, representing a binary outcome.


Poisson-distributed responses with distribution

YXPoisson(g1(μ(X))),Y \mid X \sim \text{Poisson}(g^{-1}(\mu(X))),

where gg is the link function. The default link is the log link, and others can be chosen with the link argument to poisson().


Responses drawn from an arbitrary distribution with arbitrary link function, i.e.

YXSomeDistribution(g1(μ(X))),Y \mid X \sim \text{SomeDistribution}(g^{-1}(\mu(X))),

where both gg and SomeDistribution are specified by arguments to custom_family().

Evaluation and scoping

The expr, error_scale, and size arguments are evaluated only when simulating data for this response variable. They are evaluated in an environment with access to the predictor variables and the preceding response variables, which they can refer to by name. Additionally, these arguments can refer to variables in scope when the enclosing population() was defined. See the Examples below.


A response_dist object, to be used in population() to specify a population distribution

See Also

predictor() and population() to define populations; ols_with_error() and custom_family() for custom response distributions


# Defining a binomial response. The expressions can refer to other predictors
# and to the environment where the `population()` is defined:
slope1 <- 2.5
slope2 <- -3
intercept <- -4.6
size <- 10
  x1 = predictor(rnorm),
  x2 = predictor(rnorm),
  y = response(intercept + slope1 * x1 + slope2 * x2,
               family = binomial(), size = size)

Draw random values from a factor variable


To specify the population distribution of a factor variable, specify the probability for each of its factor levels. When drawn from the population, factor levels are drawn with replacement according to their probability.


rfactor(n, levels, prob = rep_len(1/length(levels), length(levels)))



Number of values to draw


Character vector specifying the levels for the factor


Vector specifying the probability for each factor level


Sample of n values from levels, drawn in proportion to their probabilities. By default, levels are equally likely.

See Also

by_level() to assign numeric values based on factor levels, such as to set population regression coefficients by factor level


rfactor(5, c("foo", "bar", "baz"), c(0.4, 0.3, 0.3))

Draw a data frame from the specified population.


Sampling is split into two steps, for predictors and for response variables, to allow users to choose which to simulate. sample_x() will only sample predictor variables, and sample_y() will augment a data frame of predictors with columns for response variables, overwriting any already present. Hence one can use sample_y() as part of a simulation with fixed predictors, for instance.


sample_x(population, n)




Population, as defined by population().


Number of observations to draw from the population.


Data frame of predictor values drawn from the population, as obtained from sample_x().


Data frame (tibble) of n rows, with columns matching the variables specified in the population.


# A population with a simple linear relationship
pop <- population(
  x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
  x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2, error_scale = 1.0)

xs <- pop |>


xs |>

Simulate the sampling distribution of estimates from a population


Repeatedly refits the model to new samples from the population, calculates estimates for each fit, and compiles a data frame of the results.


sampling_distribution(fit, data, fn = tidy, nsim = 100, fixed_x = TRUE, ...)



A model fit to data, such as by lm() or glm(), to refit to each sample from the population.


Data drawn from a population(), using sample_x() and possibly sample_y(). The population() specification is used to draw the samples.


Function to call on each new model fit to produce a data frame of estimates. Defaults to broom::tidy(), which produces a tidy data frame of coefficients, estimates, standard errors, and hypothesis tests.


Number of simulations to run.


If TRUE, the default, the predictor variables are held fixed and only the response variables are redrawn from the population. If FALSE, the predictor and response variables are drawn jointly.


Additional arguments passed to fn each time it is called.


To generate sampling distributions of different quantities, the user can provide a custom fn. The fn should take a model fit as its argument and return a data frame. For instance, the data frame might contain one row per estimated coefficient and include the coefficient and its standard error; or it might contain only one row of model summary statistics.


Data frame (tibble) of nsim + 1 simulation results, formed by concatenating together the data frames returned by fn. The .sample column identifies which simulated sample each row came from. Rows with .sample == 0 come from the original fit.

Model limitations

Because this function uses S3 generic methods such as simulate() and update(), it can be used with any model fit for which methods are provided. In base R, this includes lm() and glm().

The model provided as fit must be fit using the data argument to provide a data frame. For example:

fit <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars)

When simulating new data, this function provides the simulated data as the data argument and re-fits the model. If you instead refer directly to local variables in the model formula, this will not work. For example, if you fit a model this way:

# will not work
fit <- lm(cars$dist ~ cars$speed)

It will not be possible to refit the model using simulated datasets, as that would require modifying your environment to edit cars.

See Also

parametric_boot_distribution() to simulate draws from a fitted model, rather than from the population


pop <- population(
  x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
  x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
  y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2, error_scale = 4.0)

d <- sample_x(pop, n = 20) |>

fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = d)
# using the default fn = broom::tidy(). argument is passed to
# broom::tidy()
samples <- sampling_distribution(fit, d, = TRUE)

# the model is correctly specified, so the estimates are unbiased:
samples |>
  group_by(term) |>
  summarize(mean = mean(estimate),
            sd = sd(estimate))

# instead of coefficients, get the sampling distribution of R^2
rsquared <- function(fit) {
  data.frame(r2 = summary(fit)$r.squared)
sampling_distribution(fit, d, rsquared, nsim = 10)