The regressinator is a simulation system designed to make it easy to simulate different regression scenarios. By specifying the true population distribution of the predictors, and giving the exact relationship between predictors and response variables, we can simulate samples from the population easily. We can use these samples to explore questions like:
The regressinator is also a diagnostic package for regression models. Once a model is fit, it provides tools to extract various kind of residuals in convenient (tidy) form, to simulate from the sampling distribution of any desired model parameter, and to conduct simulation-based inference on the model fit, including visual inference with lineups.
The regressinator is intended for use in the classroom, as a tool for students to learn about regression in lab activities or homework assignments. Its flexibility makes it suitable for any regression course where students are expected to regularly use R.
Each simulation begins by specifying a population: the true
population distribution the regression data comes from. Typically this
is an infinite population of individuals whose covariates follow
specified distributions. The outcome variable is defined to be a
function of those covariates with some error. We use the
function to define a population. For instance,
this population has a simple linear relationship between two predictor
variables, x1
and x2
, and the response
variable y
linear_pop <- population(
x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 4, sd = 10),
x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
y = response(
0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2, # relationship between X and Y
family = gaussian(), # link function and response distribution
error_scale = 1.5 # errors are scaled by this amount
Notice how the predictors are defined using predictor()
each specifying its distribution (via the name of the R function used to
simulate it, such as rnorm()
) and any arguments to that
distribution, such as mean or standard deviation. The response variable
is defined by response()
, whose first argument gives
as a function of the predictors. This expression can
refer to the predictors by name, and will be used to simulate the
response when sampling from the population. We can also specify the link
and error scale. By default, the error distribution is Gaussian, and as
the gaussian()
family has errors with variance 1 by
default, setting the error_scale
to 1.5 means the errors
have standard deviation 1.5.
More generally, population()
defines a population
according to the following relationship:
$$ \begin{align*} Y &\sim \text{SomeDistribution} \\ g(\mathbb{E}[Y \mid X = x]) &= \mu(x) \\ \mu(x) &= \text{any function of } x. \end{align*} $$
The function μ(x)
is the first argument to response()
, and can be any
arbitrary R expression. The distribution is given by the
argument, just like families of GLMs in
. If no family is provided, the default family is
Gaussian, i.e. normally distributed errors, and the link function g is the identity.
We can hence specify a population with binary outcomes and logistic link function:
logistic_pop <- population(
x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 0, sd = 10),
x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
y = response(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2,
family = binomial(link = "logit"))
This population specifies that
$$ \begin{align*} Y &\sim \text{Bernoulli}\left(\text{logit}^{-1}(\mu(X))\right) \\ \mu(X) &= 0.7 + 2.2 X_1 - 0.2 X_2. \end{align*} $$
The regressinator supports the gaussian()
, and poisson()
families from base
R, and can draw response variables accordingly.
It’s often useful to simulate data with non-standard response distributions, so we can investigate how estimators and diagnostics behave under different kinds of misspecification. The regressinator provides several custom response families to support this.
First, we can represent heteroskedasticity (unequal variance) in
linear regression by using the error_scale
argument to
. This argument is evaluated in the sampled data
frame’s environment, meaning it can be written in terms of the
predictors. For example:
heteroskedastic_pop <- population(
x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 5, sd = 4),
x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
y = response(
4 + 2 * x1 - 3 * x2, # relationship between X and Y
family = ols_with_error(rnorm), # distribution of the errors
error_scale = 0.5 + x2 / 10 # errors depend on x2
Next, the ols_with_error()
family represents an identity
link function with custom error distribution. For instance, in this
population, the errors are t-distributed with 3 degrees of
heavy_tail_pop <- population(
x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 5, sd = 4),
x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
y = response(
4 + 2 * x1 - 3 * x2, # relationship between X and Y
family = ols_with_error(rt, df = 3), # distribution of the errors
error_scale = 1.0 # errors are multiplied by this scale factor
Again, we can use error_scale
to scale the error
distribution to change its overall variance, and the
can depend on the predictors.
Finally, use custom_family()
to represent a completely
arbitrary relationship, as defined by the response distribution and
inverse link function. For instance, a zero-inflated Poisson family:
# 40% of draws have lambda = 0, the rest have lambda given by the inverse link
zeroinfpois <- function(ys) {
n <- length(ys)
rpois(n, lambda = ys * rbinom(n, 1, prob = 0.4))
pop <- population(
x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 2, sd = 2),
y = response(
0.7 + 0.8 * x1,
family = custom_family(zeroinfpois, exp)
Here y
is sampled by evaluating
zeroinfpois(exp(0.7 + 0.8 * x1))
, and so 40% of the draws
will be 0, and the rest will come from
rpois(lambda = exp(0.7 + 0.8 * x1))
. This approach could
also be used to simulate contaminated error distributions, inject
outliers, or produce other unusual error patterns.
R supports many common probability distributions, so most common
predictor variable distributions can be specified. But categorical
predictor variables (factors) are very common in practice, and so the
regressinator provides rfactor()
for drawing factor
# default is equally likely levels
rfactor(5, c("foo", "bar", "baz"))
#> [1] bar foo baz foo foo
#> Levels: foo bar baz
# but probabilities per level can be specified
rfactor(5, c("foo", "bar", "baz"), c(0.4, 0.3, 0.3))
#> [1] baz foo baz baz foo
#> Levels: foo bar baz
Then, using the by_level()
helper, we can use factors in
defining a regression model. For instance, here is a model with a
different intercept per group:
intercepts <- c("foo" = 2, "bar" = 30, "baz" = 7)
factor_intercept_pop <- population(
group = predictor(rfactor,
levels = c("foo", "bar", "baz"),
prob = c(0.1, 0.6, 0.3)),
x = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
y = response(by_level(group, intercepts) + 0.3 * x,
error_scale = 1.5)
Or, similarly, a model with a different slope per group:
We can use sample_x()
to get a sample from a population.
then works on this sample and adds a
column, following the relationship specified in the
Sampling X and Y is separated because often, in regression theory, we treat X as fixed – hence we want to conduct simulations where the same X data is used and we repeatedly draw new Y values according to the population relationship.
We can also use R pipes to put together simulations:
logistic_pop |>
sample_x(n = 10) |>
#> Sample of 10 observations from
#> Population with variables:
#> x1: rnorm(list(mean = 0, sd = 10))
#> x2: runif(list(min = 0, max = 10))
#> y: binomial(0.7 + 2.2 * x1 - 0.2 * x2, size = 1L)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#> x1 x2 y
#> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#> 1 5.17 7.52 1
#> 2 12.9 9.21 1
#> 3 7.43 2.25 1
#> 4 2.13 1.65 1
#> 5 -7.09 5.93 0
#> 6 4.30 4.12 1
#> 7 -0.932 5.68 0
#> 8 16.3 0.795 1
#> 9 3.21 3.20 1
#> 10 -10.2 0.0232 0
The object this produces is a standard data frame (just with a few
extra attributes), so it can be given to lm()
, or any other standard modeling function that uses
data frames.
After we simulate a sample from a population, we can fit our chosen models to that sample. That model may simply use the predictors as-is, entering them into the design matrix and obtaining estimates through least square or maximum likelihood. But it is also common to represent the predictors differently in the model:
We call these transformed and recoded variables regressors. The coefficients of a model give the relationship between the regressors and the response, but the regressors may be transformed versions of the predictors. Many conventional diagnostics are based on the regressors, such as most residual plots, but as we will see below, others directly examine the relationship between the predictors and the response, however those predictors have been transformed and entered into the model.
We can, in principle, do almost any regression we desire. The only
constraint is that we must use the data
argument to our
modeling function (such as lm()
or glm()
) to
provide the data. That is, we must do this:
But not this:
Using the data
argument allows the regressinator to
conduct simulations by passing new data in that argument; if you don’t
use it and refer to your local environment, there’s no reliable way to
change the data in your model. The relevant functions will automatically
detect models without a data
argument and complain.
Once we have a sample and fit a model, we can conduct diagnostics.
Simple diagnostic plots can easily be made using
, which generates a data frame with columns
including the predictors, residuals, standardized residuals, fitted
value, and other useful statistics for each observation. It also works
for many common types of models; see the broom documentation for
For example, consider a simple dataset where the true relationship
between x1
and y
is not linear. We can quickly
plot residuals versus fitted values:
nonlinear_pop <- population(
x1 = predictor(runif, min = 1, max = 8),
x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
y = response(0.7 + x1**2 - x2, family = gaussian(),
error_scale = 4.0)
nonlinear_data <- nonlinear_pop |>
sample_x(n = 100) |>
nonlinear_fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = nonlinear_data)
# to see the kind of information we get from an augmented fit
#> # A tibble: 100 × 9
#> y x1 x2 .fitted .resid .hat .sigma .cooksd .std.resid
#> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 7.79 1.74 1.33 0.0454 7.75 0.0429 5.32 0.0327 1.48
#> 2 0.881 2.68 5.13 3.35 -2.47 0.0165 5.38 0.00120 -0.465
#> 3 -10.2 1.19 7.18 -13.2 2.94 0.0376 5.38 0.00409 0.560
#> 4 4.90 2.23 6.33 -2.48 7.38 0.0221 5.33 0.0146 1.39
#> 5 22.5 4.92 5.61 23.2 -0.724 0.0116 5.39 0.0000723 -0.136
#> 6 9.78 3.51 8.73 5.93 3.85 0.0274 5.37 0.00497 0.728
#> 7 27.3 5.56 4.23 31.0 -3.70 0.0140 5.37 0.00229 -0.696
#> 8 10.3 3.54 7.69 7.69 2.61 0.0197 5.38 0.00163 0.492
#> 9 8.45 3.95 5.31 14.7 -6.30 0.0105 5.35 0.00493 -1.18
#> 10 43.0 5.48 1.56 34.0 9.01 0.0247 5.30 0.0245 1.70
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
aes(x = .fitted, y = .resid)) +
geom_point() +
labs(x = "Fitted value", y = "Residual")
The regressinator builds on these tools to support additional
diagnostics. For example, augment_longer()
is like
, but produces one row per regressor per
observation, essentially putting the data in “long” format. This makes
it easy to facet the data to plot residuals against each regressor:
aes(x = .predictor_value, y = .resid)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(vars(.predictor_name), scales = "free") +
labs(x = "Predictor value", y = "Residual")
Partial residuals are an extension of ordinary residuals that are
defined in terms of the original predictors, not the regressors; we can
think of a partial residual plot for a particular predictor as showing
the relationship between that predictor and the response, after
“adjusting for” the other predictors according to our fitted model. The
function calculates partial residuals
in tidy format, and its documentation provides detailed references on
the use and interpretation of partial residuals.
Here the black line gives the fitted predictor effects (i.e. the
model estimate of the relationship), while the blue line smooths the
partial residuals. We can see that for x1
, the blue line
deviates systematically from the black line in a quadratic shape:
aes(x = .predictor_value, y = .partial_resid)) +
geom_point() + # partial residuals
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) + # smoothed residuals
geom_line(aes(x = .predictor_value, y = .predictor_effect)) + # effects
facet_wrap(vars(.predictor_name), scales = "free") +
labs(x = "Predictor value", y = "Partial residual")
#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'
If we fit a quadratic model for x1
, the partial
residuals reflect this. The black line for the effect of x1
is now quadratic, and the partial residuals closely follow it:
quadratic_fit <- lm(y ~ poly(x1, 2) + x2, data = nonlinear_data)
aes(x = .predictor_value, y = .partial_resid)) +
geom_point() + # partial residuals
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) + # smoothed residuals
geom_line(aes(x = .predictor_value, y = .predictor_effect)) + # effects
facet_wrap(vars(.predictor_name), scales = "free") +
labs(x = "Predictor value", y = "Partial residual")
#> `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'
These diagnostic functions work for linear models and also GLMs fit
by glm()
. See
for further
diagnostic examples.
It can be difficult to tell whether a particular pattern in model
diagnostics signifies a real problem or just an unlucky pattern. To help
make this judgment, the regressinator provides the
function. It takes a model fit and does the
by default..sample
column indicating which fit each diagnostic came
values comes from the original model.This helps us compare how diagnostic plots will look when assumptions hold (by looking at the 19 simulated datasets) to how the diagnostic plots of our real model look. This visual inference approach is taken from the nullabor package.
For example, consider the same dataset where the true relationship is not linear, but we use a linear fit. We can quickly plot residuals versus fitted values:
model_lineup(nonlinear_fit) |>
ggplot(aes(x = .fitted, y = .resid)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(vars(.sample)) +
labs(x = "Fitted value", y = "Residual")
#> decrypt("PKWu 8sEs 7m v1o7E71m kL")
The user can examine the 20 plots and guess which one represents the
model fit to the original data, and which are generated assuming the
fitted model is correct. The decrypt()
code provided will
print out a message indicating which of the plots is the real data; in
this case, it’s the plot with the clear quadratic trend in the
This approach can be used to explore different kind of
misspecification. For example, using ols_with_error()
can test whether we can spot non-normal residual distributions in
residual Q-Q plots:
heavy_tail_pop <- population(
x1 = predictor(rnorm, mean = 5, sd = 4),
x2 = predictor(runif, min = 0, max = 10),
y = response(
4 + 2 * x1 - 3 * x2,
family = ols_with_error(rt, df = 3),
error_scale = 1.0
heavy_tail_sample <- heavy_tail_pop |>
sample_x(n = 100) |>
fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = heavy_tail_sample)
model_lineup(fit) |>
ggplot(aes(sample = .resid)) +
geom_qq() +
geom_qq_line() +
facet_wrap(vars(.sample)) +
labs(x = "Theoretical quantiles", y = "Observed quantiles")
#> decrypt("PKWu 8sEs 7m v1o7E71m k6")
Here we have Q-Q plots of residuals for a linear regression where the true relationship is linear, but the error distribution is t3. This is a good way to see if we can spot the heavy-tailed distribution from among the 19 other Q-Q plots that simulate normally distributed errors.
The sampling_distribution()
function allows you to
explore the sampling distribution of statistics and estimates from
models fit to a population. Given a dataset drawn from a
and a model fit to that data, it will:
By default, the function applied to each fit is
, which can take many types of model fits and
produce a data frame of the model coefficients and their standard
We can hence explore the sampling distribution of estimates fit to samples from a population:
d <- linear_pop |>
sample_x(n = 30) |>
fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = d)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#> term estimate std.error statistic p.value
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 (Intercept) 1.32 0.634 2.08 4.72e- 2
#> 2 x1 2.14 0.0333 64.2 4.65e-31
#> 3 x2 -0.267 0.109 -2.45 2.08e- 2
sampling_distribution(fit, d, nsim = 4)
#> # A tibble: 15 × 6
#> term estimate std.error statistic p.value .sample
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 (Intercept) 1.32 0.634 2.08 4.72e- 2 0
#> 2 x1 2.14 0.0333 64.2 4.65e-31 0
#> 3 x2 -0.267 0.109 -2.45 2.08e- 2 0
#> 4 (Intercept) 0.284 0.573 0.495 6.25e- 1 1
#> 5 x1 2.19 0.0301 72.7 1.62e-32 1
#> 6 x2 -0.189 0.0983 -1.93 6.44e- 2 1
#> 7 (Intercept) 0.809 0.580 1.40 1.74e- 1 2
#> 8 x1 2.21 0.0305 72.6 1.68e-32 2
#> 9 x2 -0.172 0.0994 -1.73 9.55e- 2 2
#> 10 (Intercept) 1.34 0.494 2.71 1.15e- 2 3
#> 11 x1 2.22 0.0259 85.5 2.12e-34 3
#> 12 x2 -0.334 0.0846 -3.95 5.09e- 4 3
#> 13 (Intercept) 1.67 0.573 2.92 6.99e- 3 4
#> 14 x1 2.17 0.0301 71.9 2.19e-32 4
#> 15 x2 -0.339 0.0983 -3.45 1.88e- 3 4
Because the output is a tidy data frame, it’s easy to visualize the full sampling distributions:
samples <- sampling_distribution(fit, d, nsim = 1000)
samples |>
ggplot(aes(x = estimate)) +
geom_histogram() +
facet_wrap(vars(term), scales = "free") +
labs(x = "Estimate", y = "Frequency")
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
Or to get the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution:
samples |>
group_by(term) |>
summarize(mean = mean(estimate),
sd = sd(estimate))
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#> term mean sd
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 (Intercept) 0.701 0.529
#> 2 x1 2.20 0.0270
#> 3 x2 -0.202 0.0899
We could use this feature to explore how sampling distributions change as we change the sample size, change the complexity of the model, or introduce various types of model misspecification.
The parametric_boot_distribution()
function allows you
to explore the distribution of statistics and estimates from models fit
to data sampled from the model fit. Given a fitted model, it
As with sampling_distribution()
, the default function
applied to each fit is broom::tidy()
This function is used by model_lineup()
to generate the
“null” diagnostics. It could also be used for hypothesis testing. For
example, let’s consider the nonlinear example set up above. The data
comes from a population where the true
relationship between y
and x1
is quadratic,
but nonlinear_fit
is a model fit with only a linear term.
If we did not know a quadratic term was necessary and wanted to conduct
a test, we could use an F test:
quadratic_fit <- lm(y ~ x1 + I(x1^2) + x2, data = nonlinear_data)
anova(nonlinear_fit, quadratic_fit)
#> Analysis of Variance Table
#> Model 1: y ~ x1 + x2
#> Model 2: y ~ x1 + I(x1^2) + x2
#> Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
#> 1 97 2784.7
#> 2 96 1580.4 1 1204.3 73.154 1.895e-13 ***
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
This suggests the quadratic term is useful, as we would expect when
the true relationship is quadratic and we have an adequate sample size.
But if for some reason we do not want to use an F test, or if
we are teaching simulation-based inference, we could instead use the
parametric bootstrap. Under the null hypothesis, there is no quadratic
relationship, so we simulate the null distribution of coefficient values
under this null by simulating from nonlinear_fit
refitting quadratic_fit
quadratic_coefs <- parametric_boot_distribution(nonlinear_fit, quadratic_fit,
data = nonlinear_data) |>
filter(term == "I(x1^2)")
ggplot(quadratic_coefs, aes(x = estimate)) +
geom_histogram() +
geom_vline(xintercept = coef(quadratic_fit)["I(x1^2)"],
color = "red") +
labs(x = "Quadratic term coefficient",
y = "Count",
title = "Null distribution of quadratic term")
#> `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
We see the quadratic coefficient estimated on the original data (vertical red line) is far larger than any of the quadratic coefficients estimated when the null is true, leading us to reject the null hypothesis that the quadratic coefficient is zero.